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Showing posts from June, 2008

Sleep - A Poem

I lie down at night, Eyes shut tight. Mind at rest, Surely this is the best, way to end the daily grind, nature's been kind, By offering us hours that vary in numbers, where all we do is..... slumber,slumber,slumber. Sleep is best when deep, bodies aggregated in a fusiform heap, where beggars are riders, of winged horses, that bark and shout, and girls are boy scouts. You scale the highest peaks, e'en though you're really meek. You beard the lion in his lair, e'en though you've never won a dare. Truly a wonderful world is this, Then you awake to take a piss, Realize that morn is near, Do i sense some fear.... Back to the harsh realities of life, And the endless daily strife.

A Poem dedicated to Mathematics

Five and Five make Ten, This is a fact that you can safely add to your ken, Even a child can see, That is great to be, A mathematician. Statistics galore, Chi - Square, Lambda and Mu, Oh! I long for something new. By then how did I say, That figures are the way, To one's Salvation. Is this some kind of conundrum, For life is very humdrum, Without the Zero and One. These we know bits and bytes make, And have a very great stake, In the profits of Microsoft Corporation. Then join me in a standing ovation, To all number crunchers, Human and droid, Who as explained by Freud, Satisfy their ego, And Super Ego too, To be one among the Few, Of Earthly Scholars - That deal with pi. Intellect so high, That I cannot discern, Whether I am confused or bored. I stare at the figure eight, And am confounded by the weight, Of its import. Mathematics in all its forms, Is verily the norm, Of genius. So at night when in bed, On your side do you flip, Remeber Moebius strip, There is no beginning, No end...

A Poem dedicated to Mathematics

Five and Five make Ten, This is a fact that you can safely add to your ken, Even a child can see, That is great to be, A mathematician. Statistics galore, Chi - Square, Lambda and Mu, Oh! I long for something new. By then how did I say, That figures are the way, To one's Salvation. Is this some kind of conundrum, For life is very humdrum, Without the Zero and One. These we know bits and bytes make, And have a very great stake, In the profits of Microsoft Corporation. Then join me in a standing ovation, To all number crunchers, Human and droid, Who as explained by Freud, Satisfy their ego, And Super Ego too, To be one among the Few, Of Earthly Scholars - That deal with pi. Intellect so high, That I cannot discern, Whether I am confused or bored. I stare at the figure eight, And am confounded by the weight, Of its import. Mathematics in all its forms, Is verily the norm, Of genius. So at night when in bed, On your side do you flip, Remeber Moebius strip, There is no beginning, No end...

Sleep - A Poem

I lie down at night, Eyes shut tight. Mind at rest, Surely this is the best, way to end the daily grind, nature's been kind, By offering us hours that vary in numbers, where all we do is..... slumber,slumber,slumber. Sleep is best when deep, bodies aggregated in a fusiform heap, where beggars are riders, of winged horses, that bark and shout, and girls are boy scouts. You scale the highest peaks, e'en though you're really meek. You beard the lion in his lair, e'en though you've never won a dare. Truly a wonderful world is this, Then you awake to take a piss, Realize that morn is near, Do i sense some fear.... Back to the harsh realities of life, And the endless daily strife.

Ask me

Ten soul - searching questions Here are then thological questions which don't find answers even in the Ten Commandments. Use that grey matter and ponder over a few questions. 1)Does god exist? --Food for thought.................. 2)Is god a he or a she? --Battle of the sexes..............?! 3)Is god anthropomophic? --similar to us or not????????? 4)Is god omniscient? --more knowledge than the internet..phew 5)Is god beyond time? --no need for a watch!!! 6)Is god black? (like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty) --apartheid sucks................... 7)Is god an alien? --Star Wars sequel? 8)Is god the creator of man? --No comment 9)Is god man? --No need for comment.Many people are known to fool others with their own version of chicanery. 10)Is man god? --human cloning anyone?

Ask me

Ten soul - searching questions Here are then thological questions which don't find answers even in the Ten Commandments. Use that grey matter and ponder over a few questions. 1)Does god exist? --Food for thought.................. 2)Is god a he or a she? --Battle of the sexes..............?! 3)Is god anthropomophic? --similar to us or not????????? 4)Is god omniscient? --more knowledge than the internet..phew 5)Is god beyond time? --no need for a watch!!! 6)Is god black? (like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty) --apartheid sucks................... 7)Is god an alien? --Star Wars sequel? 8)Is god the creator of man? --No comment 9)Is god man? --No need for comment.Many people are known to fool others with their own version of chicanery. 10)Is man god? --human cloning anyone?