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Showing posts with the label high ended philosophy

Ask me

Ten soul - searching questions Here are then thological questions which don't find answers even in the Ten Commandments. Use that grey matter and ponder over a few questions. 1)Does god exist? --Food for thought.................. 2)Is god a he or a she? --Battle of the sexes..............?! 3)Is god anthropomophic? --similar to us or not????????? 4)Is god omniscient? --more knowledge than the internet..phew 5)Is god beyond time? --no need for a watch!!! 6)Is god black? (like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty) --apartheid sucks................... 7)Is god an alien? --Star Wars sequel? 8)Is god the creator of man? --No comment 9)Is god man? --No need for comment.Many people are known to fool others with their own version of chicanery. 10)Is man god? --human cloning anyone?

Ask me

Ten soul - searching questions Here are then thological questions which don't find answers even in the Ten Commandments. Use that grey matter and ponder over a few questions. 1)Does god exist? --Food for thought.................. 2)Is god a he or a she? --Battle of the sexes..............?! 3)Is god anthropomophic? --similar to us or not????????? 4)Is god omniscient? --more knowledge than the internet..phew 5)Is god beyond time? --no need for a watch!!! 6)Is god black? (like Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty) --apartheid sucks................... 7)Is god an alien? --Star Wars sequel? 8)Is god the creator of man? --No comment 9)Is god man? --No need for comment.Many people are known to fool others with their own version of chicanery. 10)Is man god? --human cloning anyone?