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Showing posts from June, 2014

Bullet chess...

Chess is challenging, especially when placed under 2 minute time controls. The opponent incidentally was from the United Kingdom. A good win nevertheless...

Bullet chess...

Chess is challenging, especially when placed under 2 minute time controls. The opponent incidentally was from the United Kingdom. A good win nevertheless...

Nuclear quiz...

Check out the link @ Nuclear Physics Quiz

Nuclear quiz...

Check out the link @ Nuclear Physics Quiz

A facile win...

A facile win...too easy really... See for urself

A facile win...

A facile win...too easy really... See for urself

Debate - Transcendental meditation and energy balance

What exactly is trance? And why does it appeal to some (or the esoteric few)? Is it the complete stabilization of emotional response, neither diffident nor bold, neither hot nor cold,neither perceptive nor ignorant? How is this state of "bliss" defined in terms of hormones and neurotransmitters? eg) when we are angry or agitated then this balance is disturbed which retroactively disturbs the balance even further. Similarly excessive shyness and aloofness are not sociable traits. In both these cases the energy balance is disturbed and there are kinetic vectors that drive an individual to anti-social behavior. Is there some nascent harmony latent in each individual and how can we invoke science to help us tap that?

Debate - Transcendental meditation and energy balance

What exactly is trance? And why does it appeal to some (or the esoteric few)? Is it the complete stabilization of emotional response, neither diffident nor bold, neither hot nor cold,neither perceptive nor ignorant? How is this state of "bliss" defined in terms of hormones and neurotransmitters? eg) when we are angry or agitated then this balance is disturbed which retroactively disturbs the balance even further. Similarly excessive shyness and aloofness are not sociable traits. In both these cases the energy balance is disturbed and there are kinetic vectors that drive an individual to anti-social behavior. Is there some nascent harmony latent in each individual and how can we invoke science to help us tap that?

Debate - Can an edifice represent a faith adequately?

According to me at a broader level religion is a sociological exercise where people with some common ground meet and feel the need to reflect. Can an edifice, however imposing, adequately represent a complex ideology like a faith? Can it encapsulate human emotions and provide a channel for connecting with the Unknown? Can't we worship in the open, like some of our pristine ancestors? Apart from providing a common space for assembly, is there any deeper import of this place of congregation?

Debate - Can an edifice represent a faith adequately?

According to me at a broader level religion is a sociological exercise where people with some common ground meet and feel the need to reflect. Can an edifice, however imposing, adequately represent a complex ideology like a faith? Can it encapsulate human emotions and provide a channel for connecting with the Unknown? Can't we worship in the open, like some of our pristine ancestors? Apart from providing a common space for assembly, is there any deeper import of this place of congregation?

(Russian) Space Quiz

Took the Russian space quiz and...did quite well.

(Russian) Space Quiz

Took the Russian space quiz and...did quite well.

Bruce Lee (Almighty?)

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of Knowledge will give you power, but character respect The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering

Bruce Lee (Almighty?)

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of Knowledge will give you power, but character respect The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering

Oh..what a way to lose....

You win some and lose some...but when you're in a winning position and lose on time, it hurts... Not so bad after all...

Oh..what a way to lose....

You win some and lose some...but when you're in a winning position and lose on time, it hurts... Not so bad after all...

On China

How much do you know about the peoples republic of china?Check out China Quiz Flag of PRC

On China

How much do you know about the peoples republic of china?Check out China Quiz Flag of PRC

Lady luck

Sometimes you have to rely on Lady Luck to get you through tough times...and here is one instance in a chess opponent apparently was from Tunisia... I won when my opponent resigned.

Lady luck

Sometimes you have to rely on Lady Luck to get you through tough times...and here is one instance in a chess opponent apparently was from Tunisia... I won when my opponent resigned.