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Aphorism Programming

Dexterity in the use of words can be used to encode logical relations that can be expressed programmatically. Here is how - I have used some simple aphorisms, that I myself have devised to act as an illustration. 1. Be on top, and stay on top - This is a perpetual law and is true for all days 24x7. Here is pseudo code for the same. class myClass() { string stayOnTop(string str) {        return str; } string beOnTop(string status) {       string xabc;             xabc = stayOnTop(status)                      return xabc; } } myClass obj = new myClass(); int time=0; string status = textbox1.Text; string valstat = obj.beOnTop(status); while (time < 24) {        if (valstat.ToString().ToUpper().Trim() != 'TOP')        {  ...