You can kill two birds with one stone, Very often when all alone, But there is a modicum of truth, In the fact that, Life is precious..... Albeit Avian. For who can doubt that, Our feathered friends, Though humans claim, Are dumb... Are blessed with the power of flight, With bodies so light, That they float with seamless ease, Like artists on a trapeze, In worlds azure. But may I add, Still demure, Like a traditional Indian bride, Whose ever-radiant mien, Is testimony to the fact that, Love is like a lien, That lasts life long. When God gave the bird its wings, It also let it sing, Truly Nature is manifest for sure, As stated before, In these worlds azure. Then what is Man, A Biped creature that boasts, Not too often, And refuses to soften its stand, That all creatures under God's Sun, Are as much in the run, As creatures of choice, For a place in Noah's Ark.... When Armageddon comes. Prophets of yore, Let your spirits soar, Into the heavens above, Amongst the denizens of the s...