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Near symmetric numbers

--> Near symmetric numbers Near symmetric numbers : Those numbers which when reversed and added to the original do not equal each other even after 25 iterations :

Here is the recursive function....

private void GeneratePalindromeTotals(double num1, double num2, ref int nc, ref ArrayList ar)

ar = new ArrayList();

string rvnum1 = String.Empty;
string rvnum2 = String.Empty;

double rnum = 0;
string snum2 = String.Empty;

string snum1 = num1.ToString();

int lnum1 = snum1.Length;

for (int u = lnum1 - 1; u >= 0; u--)
snum2 += snum1.Substring(u, 1);

num2 = double.Parse(snum2);

rnum = num1 + num2;

rvnum1 += rnum.ToString();

for (int rv = rnum.ToString().Length - 1; rv >= 0; rv--)
rvnum2 += rvnum1.ToString().Substring(rv, 1).ToString();

if (!(rvnum1.Equals(rvnum2)))
File.AppendAllText(@"C:\WriteLines.txt", "No is : " + num1.ToString() + " , Diff : rvnum1 = " + rvnum1 + " ," + "rvnum2 = " + rvnum2 + " ,nc = " + nc.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);

nc += 1;
if (nc.Equals(26)) return;

GeneratePalindromeTotals(double.Parse(rvnum1), double.Parse(rvnum2), ref nc, ref ar);

rvnum1 = String.Empty;
rvnum2 = String.Empty;
snum2 = String.Empty;

File.AppendAllText(@"C:\WriteLines.txt", "No is : " + num1.ToString() + " , Same : rvnum1 = " + rvnum1 + " ," + "rvnum2 = " + rvnum2 + " ,nc = " + nc.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
nc = 0;

//Calling routine

int a_nc = 0;
ArrayList a_ar = new ArrayList();

for (double a_no1 = 1; a_no1 < 200; a_no1++)
lblCounter.Text = a_no1.ToString();

GeneratePalindromeTotals(a_no1, a_no1, ref a_nc, ref a_ar);
if (a_nc.Equals(26)) { MessageBox.Show(a_no1.ToString()); break; }

Dry run of program as it iterates...

Answer : 196


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