Is it possible theoretically to have zones of backward time in the universe? This would still obey the laws of cause and effect where a more complex state would resolve into a simpler one. eg. On such a planet a human would be born old and die young. Cause and effect would still apply although defying commonly accepted norms and conventions. Entropy would still increase (where the state of more complexity would be the initial state and the simple state - a paradox). A state change would contribute to the increase in entropy and people would still be eccentric. Is such a scenario possible in realty? As far as i know there is nothing in science that a priori renders this impossible?
In view of my keen interest in UI for applications and websites, I feel it necessary to promote an investigation of the new play-chess interface on . * It is minimalistic * Allows you to play as Guest * Allows you to choose from different time-controls * Allows you to test your skills vis-a-vis opponents from across the globe Have a look at this interface, that is impressive from a UI developers point-of-view, and very conducive for a chess player to test his wits ! Whoa ! 😇😇😇